Mh What Ya Say Mh That U Only Ment Well Baby Cuz U Did

J Perinat Educ. 2007 Summertime; 16(3): 39–43.

Care Exercise #6: No Separation of Mother and Babe, With Unlimited Opportunities for Breastfeeding


This updated edition of Care Practice Paper #6 presents the evidence for the benefits of keeping mothers and babies together after birth. The normal physiology of the postpartum and early newborn periods is explained. The author reviews the influence of early and frequent peel-to-pare contact and rooming-in on breastfeeding and early on attachment. Women are encouraged to choose a nascence setting that does not routinely separate mothers and babies and to plan for early and frequent skin-to-peel contact and rooming-in.

Keywords: breastfeeding, skin-to-skin contact, rooming-in, newborn, postpartum, normal nascence, childbirth education

Most recent update: May 2007

After giving birth, a woman held her healthy newborn baby for a few minutes. Then her baby went to the well-baby nursery, and she went to her hospital room. Her babe stayed in her room during the day and stayed in the plant nursery at night because she was told she would get more sleep this way. The mother realizes that she has spent a lot of time apart from her baby. She wonders what the research reveals almost the needs of mothers and babies after birth.

Years agone, when birth moved from homes to hospitals, nigh babies did non stay with their mothers. The female parent went to a hospital room, while her baby was cared for in a nursery. Mothers waited long hours to see their babies. Their babies' visits were often only during feeding times. The medical customs thought that babies were safer and mothers more rested when babies were cared for in the nursery.


Since the beginning of fourth dimension, women needed and wanted their babies close to them. In their arms following nascency, and while resting or sleeping, women kept their babies condom, warm, and nourished. Today, nosotros know this "yearning for closeness" is a concrete and emotional need shared by mothers and babies.

In recent years, studies have shown that it is best for mothers and babies to stay together afterwards birth (Anderson, Moore, Hepworth, & Bergman, 2003; Bergman, Linley, & Fawcus, 2004; Bystrova, Matthiesen, et al., 2007; Bystrova, Widstrom, et al., 2007; Christensson et al., 1992; International Lactation Consultant Clan, 1999; Moore & Anderson, 2007; World Wellness System [WHO], 1998). Additionally, experts agree that, unless a medical reason exists, healthy mothers and babies should non exist separated after nativity and during the early days following birth (Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Protocol Committee, 2003; American Academy of Pediatrics [AAP] Expert Workgroup on Breastfeeding, 2005; American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology [ACOG] Committee on Health Intendance for Underserved Women & Committee on Obstetric Practice, 2007; International Lactation Consultant Association, 1999; UNICEF/WHO, 2004; WHO, 1998). Interrupting, delaying, or limiting the time that a mother and her baby spend together may have a harmful consequence on their relationship and on breastfeeding success (Enkin et al., 2000).


Care Practice #vi: No Separation of Female parent and Baby, With Unlimited Opportunities for Breastfeeding

Key Points

  • Mothers and babies share a natural instinct to be close after birth.

  • Holding your baby skin-to-skin has many benefits. For example, it makes breastfeeding easier, enhances bonding, and besides helps your babe stay warm and cry less.

  • Babies cared for in the hospital plant nursery cry more and may accept more trouble breastfeeding than babies who "room-in" with their mothers.

  • You will get as much sleep with your baby in your room as yous will if your babe is in the nursery.


Babies stay warm and weep less, and breastfeeding gets off to a better start when mothers and their babies have frequent fourth dimension together, start at nascency. Mothers learn to recognize their infant'southward needs, responding tenderly and lovingly. A connection that lasts a lifetime begins to course.


Nature prepares you and your baby to need and seek each other from the moment of birth. Oxytocin, the hormone that causes your uterus to contract, will stimulate "mothering" feelings later birth as you bear on, gaze at, and breastfeed your babe (Uvnas-Moberg, 1998). More oxytocin will be released every bit you hold your baby skin-to-skin. Your brain will release endorphins, narcotic-like hormones that enhance these mothering feelings. These hormones assist y'all feel calm and responsive and cause the temperature of your breasts to rise, keeping your baby warm (Uvnas-Moberg, 1998). Because of the normal "adrenaline rush" babies have right later birth, your baby will exist bright, warning, and ready to nurse soon later nascence (Porter, 2004; Righard & Alade, 1990). During the hours and days following nascency, y'all will learn to empathise your infant's cues and unique way of communicating with you.


Healthy babies placed skin-to-skin on their mothers arrange hands to life outside the womb. They stay warm more easily, cry less, have lower levels of stress hormones, and breastfeed sooner than newborns who are separated from their mothers (Bystrova et al., 2003; Bystrova, Widstrom, et al., 2007; Christensson, Bhat, Amadi, Eriksson, & Hojer, 1998; Christensson et al., 1992; Mikiel-Kostyra, Mazur, & Boltruszko, 2002; Uvnas-Moberg, 1998). The benefits of skin-to-pare contact continue across the first 60 minutes. The longer and more frequently mothers and babies are pare-to-skin in the hours and days afterward the nascency, the greater the benefit (Moore & Anderson, 2007; Syfrett, Anderson, Neu, & Hilliard, 1996). Babies who are cold, including premature babies, return to a normal temperature more quickly when held skin-to-skin by their mothers (Charpak et al., 2005). When a mother and her infant are pare-to-skin, the baby is exposed to the normal bacteria on the mother's pare, which may protect the baby from becoming sick due to harmful germs (WHO, 1998). Enquiry suggests that women who hold their babies pare-to-pare following birth care for their babies with more conviction and recognize and respond to their babies' needs sooner than mothers who are separated from their babies (Widstrom et al., 1990).

Other benefits to babies from skin-to-skin contact include easier breathing, college and more than stable blood sugar levels, and a natural progression to breastfeeding (K. Christensson, Cabrera, E. Christensson, Uvnas-Moberg, & Winberg, 1995; Christensson et al., 1992; Johanson, Spencer, Rolfe, Jones, & Malla, 1992). Babies placed skin-to-peel with their mothers later on nativity have a natural instinct to attach to the chest and begin breastfeeding, normally inside one hour (Righard & Alade, 1990; Widstrom et al., 1990). Mothers who hold their babies skin-to-pare after birth are more likely to brand greater amounts of breast milk, breastfeed longer, and breastfeed without offer formula (Anderson, et al., 2003; Bystrova, Matthiesen, et al., 2007; DiGirolamo, Grummer-Strawn, & Fein, 2001; Mikiel-Kostyra et al., 2002). (Experts recommend sectional breastfeeding—no other foods or liquids—during the showtime half-dozen months of life [AAP Practiced Workgroup on Breastfeeding, 2005].)


In the days following nascency, whether at home, in a hospital, or in a nascence eye, mothers' and babies' physical and emotional needs for each other keep. The more fourth dimension two people spend together, the sooner they become to know each other. Mothers who are with their babies for longer periods of time, including during the nighttime, have higher scores on tests that mensurate the strength of a female parent's attachment to her baby (Klaus et al., 1972; Norr, Roberts, & Freese, 1989; Prodromidis et al., 1995). While together, mothers quickly learn their babies' needs and how best to intendance for, soothe, and comfort their newborns.

Keeping your infant with you continuously during the solar day and at nighttime (called "rooming-in") has many benefits. Rooming-in with your infant makes breastfeeding easier. Studies suggest that mothers who room-in with their babies brand more milk, brand more than milk sooner, breastfeed longer, and are more probable to breastfeed exclusively compared with mothers who have limited contact with their babies or whose babies are in the plant nursery at night (Bystrova, Matthiesen, et al., 2007; Daglas et al., 2005; Declercq, Sakala, Corry, & Applebaum, 2006; Fairbank et al., 2000; Flores-Huerta & Cisneros-Silva, 1997; Lindenberg, Cabrera Artola, & Jimenez, 1990; Mikiel-Kostyra, Mazur, & Wojdan-Godek, 2005; Perez-Escamilla, Pollitt, Lonnerdal, & Dewey, 1994; Syafruddin, Djauhariah, & Dasril, 1988; Yamauchi & Yamanouchi, 1990).

Rooming-in is better for babies. While babies are with their mothers, they cry less, soothe more than apace, and spend more than time quietly sleeping (Keefe, 1987). Babies who room-in with their mothers have in more breast milk (Bystrova, Matthiesen, et al., 2007), gain more weight per mean solar day (Yamauchi & Yamanouchi, 1990), and are less likely to develop jaundice, a yellowing of the peel that sometimes requires treatment (Syafruddin et al., 1988).

Normal infant care (e.m., exams, vital signs, and baths) tin can exist done while rooming-in. You can be close to your infant and even help with some of the care if yous wish. Babies bathed past their mothers and held peel-to-skin stay just as warm as babies bathed in the nursery and placed in warmers (Medves & O'Brien, 2004).

Well-significant friends and family may propose you to permit your baby stay in the nursery at night so that you lot can go more sleep. Nevertheless, studies show that mothers whose babies are cared for in the nursery do not get more slumber than mothers who room-in with their babies at dark (Keefe, 1987, 1988; Waldenstrom & Swenson, 1991). Many mothers slumber more peacefully knowing that their babies are with them.

Rooming-in may have other long-term benefits for mothers and babies. Research suggests that rates of child corruption, fail, and abandonment are lower for mothers who accept frequent and extended contact with their newborns during the early on postpartum menstruum (Northward. Lvoff, Five. Lvoff, & Klaus, 2000; O'Connor, Vietze, Sherrod, Sandler, & Altemeier, 1980).


The benefits of keeping moms and babies together are and so impressive that many professional person organizations have fabricated recommendations promoting pare-to-peel contact and rooming in and opposing routine separation of mothers and babies later nativity. These organizations include the University of Breastfeeding Medicine (2003); American University of Pediatrics (AAP Expert Workgroup on Breastfeeding, 2005); American Higher of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG Committee on Health Care for Underserved Women & Committee on Obstetric Do, 2007); Clan of Women's Wellness, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (2000); International Lactation Consultant Clan (1999); and World Health Organisation (1998).


You wait ix months to meet your baby. You dream about your baby and await forwards to the moment of birth with excitement. Later on nativity, you and your babe will want and need to exist together. Studies show that being together is best for both of you. Lamaze International joins with the many organizations that recommend keeping mothers and babies together after nascence. Lamaze International recommends that you give birth in a identify where you lot and your infant can be together without unnecessary interruptions. If you are having your baby in a hospital, tell your caregiver that y'all plan to hold your babe skin-to-skin after nascence and go on your baby with yous throughout your stay. Ask that your infant's routine care be washed in your room. Lamaze International encourages you lot to be confident in your decision to keep your baby with you after birth and to reassure your friends and family that the best place for your infant is with you.


The six care exercise papers were originally developed in 2003 by Lamaze® International and published in 2004 in The Journal of Perinatal Education thirteen(2) consequence. The post-obit members of the Lamaze International Education Council contributed to and reviewed the offset edition of Care Practice Newspaper #6:

  • Debby Amis, RN, BSN, CD (DONA), LCCE, FACCE

  • Diana Chiaverini, RN, MEd, LCCE, FACCE

  • Joyce DiFranco, RN, BSN, LCCE, FACCE

  • Caroline Donahue, RN, MA, LCCE, FACCE

  • Jeanne Green, MT, CD (DONA), LCCE, FACCE

  • Barbara Hotelling, RN, BSN, CD (DONA), LCCE, FACCE

  • Judith Lothian, RN, PhD, LCCE, FACCE

  • Michele Ondeck, RN, MEd, IBCLC, LCCE, FACCE

  • Teri Shilling, MS, IBCLC, CD (DONA), LCCE, FACCE

  • Sandra Steffes, RN, MS, LCCE, FACCE

The updated (May 2007) edition of Care Do Paper #6 was edited by Amy 1000. Romano, MSN, CNM.


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